
我一直在做激光脱毛在我的整个身体,因为 2013. 我曾经是每天为人做着大把子的人之一, 有时一天两次, 因为我总的神经病有任何存根. 现在身体的头发正在卷土重来—妇女不必感到受父权制的压力,以扫描/蜡/等. 我来不及这个趋势已经太晚了, 因为我已经是一个无毛的海豚人, 但我确实支持它,即使我不能积极参与. 看—你的身体头发, 你应该选择有任何或不, 完全是你的选择. 但是,如果你鄙视有头发,并有兴趣做激光脱毛, 让我告诉你所有我希望我知道.

1. 你将永远需要润饰

 当我买了我的第一个激光脱毛包, 他们就像"哦, 它会采取 6-8 会话。” 我以为那意味着 6-8 会话永远不会有头发了. 我一直在每 2-4 过去六年的月份. 这比"六到八"多一些. 那是数学,我甚至做不到. 我仍然得到再生,仍然需要润饰. 然而, 这是一个巨大的区别。回来的头发是零碎的,只在某些斑点. 另外, 减少您需要润饰的频率—原来, 我完全无毛 2 几个月前,我会得到再生. 现在我可以在四个月之前无毛,然后我需要回去. 当我得到再生, 它只出现在我的膝盖或肘部的小补丁, 或喜欢, 六个分散的窝窝毛. 它的方式更容易管理,当我看起来像一个, 即使我需要做扫描. 然后,是时候再次去无毛了四个月.

2. 您可以意外激活毛囊

如果你在特定的地方没有头发, 不要让技术对你一切不为所根据. 举个例子, 其实我没有脚毛, 但技术总是试图做我的脚. 如果你不阻止他们—喜欢, "嘿, 其实我胳膊上只有头发, 不下面, 你实际上可以激活休眠的毛囊。” 因为那实际上会发生, 这与你想要的正好相反。 发声,并确保他们只得到需要它的部分, 以免你让情况变得更糟.

3. 你仍然需要扫描

Laser hair removal is pigment based, so it only kills dark hair. I had so much dark hair that it didn’t occur to me that I also grow blonde peach fuzz hair. Instead of shaving daily, I only shave every few weeks to get rid of the blonde fuzz that will never go away. The good news is it isn’t stubbly and no one can really see it. But it’s quite a shock when I wear shorts for the first time in a while and go in the sun to find a literal inch of blonde hair on my legs. Whoops.

4. It F*cking Hurts

Did they tell you it doesn’t hurt? Because it hurts. Especially when you’re first starting out. The less follicles you have over time, the less it hurts, but then they just turn the intensity of the laser up so it hurts again. My place sells expensive numbing cream that takes the bite out of laser hair removal, and I consider it an absolute necessity. Put it on your underarms, bikini, 膝盖, and ankles. Trust me. Your skin also feels raw/sunburnt for a day or two afterwards and you can’t go in the sun unless you want to feel like a scalding vampire and risk scarring. But tbh, waxing hurts way more for worse resultsespecially since you have to grow your hair out each time. Laser hair removal, 另一方面, requires you to shave before your appointment, so you never have to be hairy to be hairless ever again.

5. You Get Almost Immediate Results

I thought I wouldn’t really see results after my first session, but I was sooo wrong. After just one session, I never had the same amount of hair grow back ever again. Your hair does grow in stages, so the laser kills only the follicles that currently have a hair at that time. That is why you have to go back every couple months. After my first session, it took about a week for the hair follicles to fall out (you can try to shave them but they’re so thick it still looks like you have stubble) and I was completely hairless for two months on the dot. Then only about half the hair returned. So if you do decide to try it out, it will immediately change your life.

6. It Saves So Much Time/Money Long Run

When I was shaving every day, I had it down to an exact science. I could shave every hair in 15 minutes flat, and that included exfoliating beforehand. But I spent that 15 minutes every single day (有时一天两次). Now I go for a 15 minute touch-up appointment every four months and shave every few weeks or so. It’s so much easier to get ready now, I can take a four minute shower if I don’t wash my hair (and I only wash my hair sparingly because it’s dyed). While LHR is expensive, so is other hair removal. My place was really expensive upfront but offered free touch-ups for life. I also rarely need to switch my razor head since I use them so sparingly, whereas before I burned through them. And let’s be real, I’d rather have to pay for a touch-up that works for four months than get a $65 bikini wax once a month that makes me cry and it really only works for two weeks before you have to start growing the hair out again. In my opinion, the results are totally worth it.


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