在皮肤护理的酸: 什么工作最适合皱纹, 敏感的皮肤,更多

在皮肤护理的酸: 什么工作最适合皱纹, 敏感的皮肤,更多


阿 尔 法- 和β-羟基酸, 更通常被称为 AHA 和 BHA, 是护肤品中最重要的成分, 但大多数买家不知道他们各自做什么,为什么他们是重要的.

了解皮肤护理中的酸是做出正确选择的唯一途径, 无论您是在温泉浴场购买过夜保湿霜还是选择面部护理. 从你所知道的关于所有酸的基本知识,可以帮助你的皮肤,关于最有效的, 这里是你需要知道的.


当您使用 AA 或 BHA 进行皮肤护理时, 你不应该经历任何极端的副作用. 如果您遇到持续发红或剥落, you’re simply using a product with an acid concentration that’s too high for your skin. You can skin get a glowing finish by using skin care that mixes more types of acids with lower concentrations, or you can mix products yourself.

AHAs and BHAs Can Work Wonders for Sensitive Skin

If your skin gets easily irritated, you might be avoiding retinoids and acids in skin care products. 然而, only retinoids contribute to inflammation. You might experience some irritation after a product with acids, but it usually goes away once your skin gets used to it. Don’t start using them daily until a few weeks from your first try, and opt for formulas that contain an amino-acid mixed with an AHA or BHA.

Find the Right pH for Your Skin

不幸, most skin care products that include acids in their formula offer no information on the pH. The easiest way to determine whether it’s the right one is to notice your reaction when you apply the product. A tingling sensation that last only for a few seconds is what you should be experiencing to know the product is working. If you don’t feel anything or if you experience redness, then the pH is either too low or too high.

You Can’t Treat Deep Wrinkles with Acids

There are no good acids in skin care products that can reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles, and if the product description promises that, you should avoid it. Acids can help even out your skin tone and minimize the appearance of fine lines, but they won’t work on deep wrinkles.

You Can Use Them All Over Your Body

Your face may get the most obvious effects from AHAs and BHAs, but they can also help you on other areas. Clogged pores and bumps, especially those caused by ingrown hairs, can be fixed with a lotion with acids. Salicylic acid, particularly in a body wash, is a great way to get rid of back acne.


When you’re considering acids in skin care, 甘油酸 should be your top priority. It’s the most effective AHA, since it penetrates deeper than the rest. You can use it to treat uneven skin texture and tone, get rid of flakiness, and to get rid of fine lines, since it helps regenerate collagen.


While you can only get 甘油酸 in cosmetics, lactic acid can also work on your skin with a homemade mask that includes milk or yogurt. 然而, 在护肤品的正确浓度和pH, 它非常适合敏感肌肤.


与皮肤护理中的大多数酸不同, 视黄酸是处方专用, 但它值得一游到你的皮肤科医生为优秀的抗衰老效果. 如果您不想获得填料或激光程序, 但仍然尽量减少你的皱纹的外观, 这是一个顶级的选择.


通常存在于皮肤的油中, 这是两种酸在皮肤护理,工作最好时,他们结合. 油酸具有抗衰老作用,有助于愈合和刷新您的皮肤, 而亚油酸是痤疮的好选择, 它有强大的抗炎作用.


护肤品中最温和的酸之一, 曼德酸是去除角质的极佳, and it can help clean out your pores while also improving skin texture.


You may know it as a filler, 但 透明质酸 is also a great moisturizer. Unlike most AHAs and BHAs, it does not have a powerful exfoliant effect.

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