8 意想不到的事情, 可能会导致你的胸部痤疮

我身体最喜欢的地方是痤疮绝对是我的脸颊, 但我会说谎, 如果我说这是唯一的地方, 这些满脸疙瘩的小伙伴出现了. 偶尔, 我会在淋浴或锻炼时看着我的胸口, 瞧, 看哪, 我胸口上有一小痘. 虽然它是完全正常的发现痤疮全身, 我的第一本能总是想知道如何摆脱它 — 快速. Not surprisingly, the acne on your chest is probably caused by the same kinds of things that cause the acne on your face.

还, when it comes to pimples on your chest, there are some factors at play that you simply may not be paying much attention to. Rest assured, there are plenty of solutions out there to help treat the acne on your chest. The first step, 虽然, is to figure out what is actually causing those red little pimples to show up in the first place. Here are eight things that could be causing the acne on your chest that you may not have previously considered.

1. That Sun Again

Acne can definitely be a result of sun exposure. You’re in the sun, your chest gets dry, 和结果, your glands start to produce more oil.

Dermatologist and Curology founder Dr. David Lortscher tells Elite Daily,

These sebaceous glands are more prominent on our chests and backs, which can explain the prevalence of body acne in these areas.

Bigger glands means more oil, which means more acne. It’s as simple as that.

2. You’re Prone To Sweating A Lot


If you tend to overheat and sweat a lotespecially in the summer months, when your sweat glands are working overtime and there’s more bacteria on the body as a resultit can make matters worse as far as chest acne goes.

Keeping that area all washed up and clean is your best bet to steer clear of the pimples.

3. Your Workout Habits


博士. Lortscher tells Elite Daily that bacteria is a major factor, 尤其是那种在那些湿透湿运动的衣服上茁壮成长你太懒了, 在健身房后脱掉:

的微生物 (细菌) 生活在我们的身体和环境导致痤疮的炎症成分.

他们喜欢油腻的环境, 我们的免疫系统努力工作来对抗他们, 引发炎症, [你看到在你的痤疮颠簸].

他们也喜欢温暖, 湿润环境, 如在出汗的胸部或背部发现的。

Make sure you use a clean sports bra when you exercise to avoid these types of bacteria, and shower ASAP when you’re all done with your workout.

4. Those Lotions You Love To Lather On


Sunscreens and lotions can clog your pores, so if you’re having trouble with chest acne, consider the types of moisturizer and sunblock you’re using, especially in the summer months.

博士. Lortscher says skincare products and even fabric choices can play a major role, too.

Consult with a dermatologist or skin care professional about the type of skin you have (油性, 干, 两者的结合, 等。), 从那里, 看看什么是最好的产品, 为您的皮肤.

5. 你的香水


如果你, 像我一样, 把你的香水洒在你脖子下面的胸前, 这肯定是一个原因, 胸部痤疮.

痤疮经常是由皮肤刺激引起的, 你可能只是更敏感的某些产品, 你使用比你认为.

6. 你用来掩盖痘的掩饰


事情是, 用粉底或遮瑕遮盖你的丘疹可能会加剧问题.

Try to treat the zits and keep the area clean instead. And if you really want to add on a little makeup, make sure to wash it off thoroughly at the end of the day.

7. Scented Laundry Products


Fragrances in detergents can irritate skin, and most dryer sheets leave a residue that can clog pores, especially if you have sensitive skin as it is. If this turns out to be a factor for you, be mindful of the kinds of products you wash your garments in, and keep track of what seems to irritate your skin and what doesn’t.

8. Dairy

博士. Lortscher explains,

Try limiting your dairy consumption in order to see if it may be a triggering factor in your acne.

Dairy and high glycemic-index foods (foods loaded with sugars and starches that are digested quickly, sending insulin levels sky high and triggering more oil production in the sebaceous glands) may contribute to acne in certain people.

So What Can You Do About Your Chest Acne?


Nah, you don’t have to freak about it. Overall, being mindful of the products you use, and keeping yourself, your clothes, and your sheets clean as a whistle is the way to go.

As far as the products go, we a few recommendations. We suggests using a Repechage Hydra Medic Mattifying Moisturizer with zinc as well as any body wash with salicylic acid, 或 a wash with benzoyl peroxide.

一如既往, consult with a skincare professional if you’re struggling to find what works best for you. Trust me, you’ll eventually find a solution that your body loves, and your chest acne problems will be a thing of the past.

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