
BB和CC霜是使用任何傳統美容產品對皮膚的許多優點的組合, 但具有某種遮蓋力,例如具有有色保濕霜的純粹性的粉底. BB的意思是“美容膏”’ 而CC的意思是“膚色矯正劑”’ 或「遮陽和正確」。’ 除了SPF之外,美容膏還為使用者提供即時的透明遮瑕效果. 膚色矯正器為使用者提供説明,以解決膚色發紅或蒼白的任何問題以及抗衰老的好處.

BB霜最初是專門為年輕消費者創造的, 但老年婦女也需要它的SPF值和保濕功效. 這兩種產品都為良好的護膚品提供了優勢, 使皮膚看起來完美無瑕,並在短時間內改善的同時立即顯示出效果.

幾乎每種BB和CC霜都能提供某種類型的防晒保護, 這很重要, 因為女性使用的許多習慣性保濕霜不提供此功能.

當您塗抹BB霜時, 相比之下,它從普通的奶油切換到更好的標準之一. 它微妙而愉快地模糊了您可能遇到的任何瑕疵. You won’t feel like you are wearing heavy foundation and you don’t have to buy numerous products to get the same results. You have the ease of using one product that offers a variety of benefits. Both the BB and CC creams, when applied disappear into the texture of your face without leaving residue behind. Your face looks more radiant and glowing.

I found the 裡拉臨床。 version of the BB cream quite appealing to a lot of women and it is certainly a stand out. Your skin will instantly look brighter and much smoother as the product is easily blended upon being applied.

CC cream provide additional coverage. It evens your skin tone and diminishes fine lines found around the eyes.

Coupled with the benefits of a daily moisturizer in addition to some color coverage, use of the BB or CC cream is certainly a no-brainer. The popularity of these alphabet creams continues to grow and already there is a DD cream entering the market.


What type of cream are you currently using? Is it working for you? Tell us what stands out the most? Have you heard about or tried any alphabet creams? If so, which one and how did it work. 讓我們直接在我們的網站上留下您的意見.


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