抗衰老皮膚護理 – 棕色藻類真的能讓你看起來更年輕嗎?

多年來, 對抗明顯的衰老跡象意味著使用含有活性成分(如α-羥基酸)的抗衰老護膚品, β-羥基酸和視網膜. 這些活性作用主要通過消除死皮細胞和加速細胞更新過程,以不同程度的成功. 然而, 現在,一個新的突破性發現已經以棕色藻類的形式出現.

衰老的臨床跡象之一是, 除其他外, 細紋和深皺紋的外觀. 老化過程的另一個跡象是皮膚結構和皮膚「紋理」的變化” 隨著年齡的增長,這變得更加明顯,因為你的皮膚細胞的微輪廓不太規律.

參與抗衰老護膚的科學家一直在尋找新的和有用的材料,可以減少細紋和皺紋的外觀, 並協助他們長期治療, 或兩者兼而有之. 還需要找到安全的地方, 天然和可再生材料,以提供這些好處.

他們發現,海洋植物的提取物通過改善皮膚的緊致性和彈性或軟化線條和皺紋的外觀,在抗衰老的皮膚護理中被證明是非常有用的, 特別是在你的臉和手.

海洋植物的提取物也表現出視黃醇樣特性, 抗氧化特性, 張力屬性, 細胞更新增強性能和保濕性能.

帕迪納·帕文卡, 特別 – 扇形棕色藻類, is hand picked daily by scuba divers from the temperate waters of Malta and is a clinically proven collagen boosting seaweed.

The purified extract of this intelligent algae, not only helps the skin’s metabolism, but it stimulates the synthesis of Glycosaminoglucan molecules (GAGs) at the cellular level. These hydrophilic (water attracting) molecules are responsible for the moisturizing, and thus for the firmness and elasticity, of your skin.

Your skin cells produce GAGs every day; 然而, aging slows down and decreases cellular regeneration, thereby speeding up the aging process.

A leading French doctor researched the benefits of Padina Pavonica for 10 years and it then took a further 3 years to develop as anti aging skin care.

The discovery of Padina Pavonica has changed the face of skincare forever. Independent clinical trials proved that it helps reduce wrinkles by up to 19% in just 15 日.

Dynamic anti aging skin care products that have been developed with the very latest scientific research and include the unique and groundbreaking natural ingredient Padina Pavonica, will increase skin elasticity, suppleness, firmness and hydration levels whilst offering additional support.

Not to be confused with anti aging skin care that contains collagen. Collagen molecules are too large to penetrate your skin’s tough outer layers and any external application would be a pointless waste of money.

To summarize: The brown fan shaped marine algae, 帕迪納·帕文卡, is a clinically proven collagen boosting seaweed extract, which means it will activate the production of new collagen within your skin cells and anti aging skin care products containing this algae will boost your body’s own collagen levels naturally so you can have younger, firmer looking skin.


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