Dermalogica Toxin Relief Treatment Oil, 4 oz


SKU: 4682-nc Kategori:


An aromatic, detoxifying body treatment oil for massage, bath therapy and deep skin conditioning. Faedah Khas: Concentrated essential oils stimulate purification through increased circulation, and reduce sluggishness. Water-soluble formula mixes in bath water, turning it milky, smooth and skin softening. Helps alleviate bloating and sluggishness. Bahan-bahan Utama: Purifying essential oils of Rosemary, Sage, Pine, Juniper and Lemongrass stimulate circulation and help purge the body of accumulated toxins. Teknik Aplikasi: Untuk urutan, pam sedikit ke telapak tangan, massage onto the body or scalp. For a detoxifying body soak, pump a small amount directly into running water. To intensify Body Hydrating Cream or UltraRich Body Cream, Menambah 5-10 drops to the cream, adunan dan memohon. Discontinued

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