ماتيس باريس ريبونس التحكم التصحيحي في الشفاه – 0.34 اوقيه


سكو: MA37598 الفئه:


Matis Paris Reponse Corrective Lip Control provides an expert formula for full, طبطب, remodelled lips. Thansk to the synergy of the active ingredients, it helps lips to recover their natural elasticity. It contains a tripeptide to stimulate the synthesis of Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid microspheres to fill out lines, enveloped in an ultra-comfortable balm texture helps lips to recover their natural elasticity. Matis Paris Reponse Corrective Lip Control leaves the lips instantly enhanced, becoming incredibly soft and moisturized. From the first application, lips regain their sweet, supple appearance. فوائد: Helps to volume lips. Well-defines lip contour. Fills lines along the grooves of the lips. Provides continuous nutrition and hydration. Lips look fuller, suppler and more sensual. اتجاهات: خلال النهار: as often as desired. When applied under your normal lipstick, it protects and softens lips. Applied above lipstick, it offers a sublime gloss effect that heightens the sensuality of your smile. Overnight: like a beauty mask for your lips. Apply on the lips by slightly passing the outline of the lips. The individual nozzle is adapted to the shape of the lips, allowing for easy and uniform applicationapply the treatment by massaging in order to activate micro-circulation, loosen lines, and stimulate collagen production by boosting cellular exchanges using rotating motions. Matis Paris Reponse Corrective Lip Control Ingredients: بنتا إريثريتيل تيترايزوستيرات, بوليجليسريل-3 ثنائي أيزوستيرات, tr ibehen in, octyl dodecanol, سيرا ألبا (شمع العسل), سيتيل بالميتات, إيثيل هكسيل بالميتات, هيالورونات الصوديوم, بالميتويل ثلاثي الببتيد-1, حامض دهني , بوتيلين غليكول, سوربيتان إيزوستيرات, السيليكا ثنائي ميثيل سيليلات , كابريل غليكول, حمض اللاكتيك, synthetic wax, هيكسيلين غليكول, فينوكسي إيثانول.

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