جرب جاذبية “فيشل في المنزل”

Experience the Allure of an At-HomeFacial

It’s time to go backto basics and spoil yourself with an at-home facial. Self-care and pampering your skin are now within reach with theright products​ و‌ tools. There’s no need to visit thespa for aluxurious experiencenow, you can create your own spaday without leaving yourhome.

The Products:

  • المطهر
  • Skin Devices
  • Chemical Peel
  • Gentle Facial Scrub
  • Face Mask
  • كحول- Free Toner
  • مصل
  • مرطب
  • Facial Sponge/ SoftWash Cloth


  1. المطهر: Start with a deep cleansing of your skin using ⁤a‍ gentle cleanser with a facial cleaning brush, ensuring the removal of makeup, النفط, و الشمس. هذا ⁣will help your skin absorb the products you use next.
  2. Skin Devices: This step is optional. Skipping it won’t affect the effectiveness of your at-home facial. لكن, some people enjoy using LED light or microcurrent devices. Adding a skin device can aid wound healing, تقليل الالتهاب, and potentially boost collagen production for plumper skin and faster recovery from acne breakouts. Consistent use of your microcurrent device is key to achieving these results.
  3. Chemical Peel: مقبل, it’s time for a thorough exfoliation. At-home chemical peels range from mild to strong.
    Mild: استخدام أحماض ألفا هيدروكسي, which are driven from fruit and milk. These peels are suitable for most skin types.
    متوسط: استخدام BHAs, مثل حمض الساليسيليك, which are effective for treating acne-prone skin. Or can go higher percentages of AHAs or/and BHAs.
    Apply a thin layer and leave it on for 3-5 minutes to dissolve cellular build-up.
  4. Gentle Facial Scrub: While a chemical peel dissolves the bonds between dead skin cells, a facial scrub او exfoliator lifts them off the skin. Use a well-formulated facial scrub to avoid any potential harm from abrasive particles.
    Gently massage the scrub over your skin for 30-60 الثواني, then rinse and pat dry.
  5. Face Mask: After exfoliating, apply a hydrating and soothing face mask to comfort your fresh skin cells.
    اتركه ل 15 محضر, then rinse off using a soft washcloth or facial sponge.
  6. كحول- Free Toner: Once the mask has been rinsed off, give your skin yet another boost of hydration by using an alcohol-free toner. This also helps remove any impurities that could be left over on your skin from tap water.
  7. مصل: After a facial, your skin is ready for a serum with active ingredients. Choose one suitable for your skin type, focusing on soothing and hydrating properties. Since you’ve already exfoliated, avoid using acid serums for further exfoliation. Massage itin gently and allow it to fully absorb. You’ll start to feel theeffectsimmediately!
  8. مرطب: Complete your facial by applying moisture to nourish and soften the skin. This will help to reduce redness and calm any inflammation. Give yourself‍ a⁤ facial massage to reduce puffiness and bring fresh blood flow to your face.


Just a few simple steps and products are all you need to enjoythe allure of an at-home facial. Investin yourself and find a few moments of self-care. Let yourselfhave this soothing and healing experience, and give your skin the love it deserves.

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