So you are looking for the best skin whitening cream. But why are you looking for such a product? Obviously you want to lighten your skin tone. Skin whitening or skin bleaching is very popular in some part of the world where a fair skin is considered an important and integral part of beauty. Skin whitening also becomes imperative in certain skin conditions where skin becomes pigmented due to excessive production of melanin.
Different Ways To Lighten Skin
There are many ways to lighten your skin tone or remove pigmentation effectively. There are pills, الحقن, chemical peels and also creams that can effectively lighten your skin tone.
Efficiency of Skin Whitening Cream
Cream for lightening the skin is the most popular method as it requires topical application and the most non-invasive way to lighten the skin. But the effectiveness of the product depends on the extent of damage caused to your skin.
How They Works
جيد whitening cream should work in three ways.
1. It should protect your skin from the UV rays of sun.
2. It should remove the damaged outer layer of the skin to reveal and regenerate healthy light skin.
3. It should inhibit the production of excessive melanin that causes skin darkening in the first place.
Ingredients Of Skin Whitening Cream
The common ingredients of any lightening cream are usually the following.
1. حمض كوجيك: It is very popular as skin lightening in Japan. It is a by product of rice fermentation. That is why rice sake is widely used as a natural ingredient to remove all kinds of skin pigmentation like age spots and freckles.
2. مستخلص عرق السوس: This is a natural ingredient to treat pigmentation. Some good quality whitening creams have this as one of the base ingredient. A very important melanin suppressing agent is glabridin which is found in licorice.
3. الصبار: This is another natural ingredient to remove sun tan and skin darkening to over exposure to the sun. Most popular brands of skin brightening cream have aloe vera as an active ingredient.
4. Octyl-p-methoxycinnamate: This component acts basically as a sun block.
5. Octyl salicylate: This also protects you from the UV ray of the sun and hence lessens skin darkening.
6. أوكسيبنزون: This is also a very active chemical in الشمس lotions as well as skin lighteing creams.
7. Mercury: Some skin lightening creams do contain mercury. But if you are looking for a good quality cream you are better off with one that does not contain mercury.
8. هيدروكينون: It is also most common in some skin lightening cream as it is strong inhibitor of melanin production. But it has lot of long term negative effects on your skin. So look for a cream that does not contain hydroquinone.
9. أربوتين: This is extracted from leaves of bearberry, cranberry, mulberry or blueberry shrubs. Arbutin is a known melanin inhibiting agent.
10. تريتينوين: This ingredient is very effective all kinds pigmentation from the skin.
11. أحماض ألفا هيدروكسي: It is a kind of chemical peel. This ingredient in the creams removes the outer damaged layer of the skin and help to generate healthy skin.
12. حمض الأزيليك: Even though it is not such a strong melanin inhibitor, it is an active ingredient in many skin bleaching creams. 13. فيتامين سي: It is a great antioxidant and helps in generating new skin.