
没有什么比在寒冷中轻快地散步更重要的了, 清爽的冬日早晨 – 不幸, 也没有什么更糟糕的皮肤! 事实上, 英国的气候对我们最大的器官来说是极其艰难的 – 寒冷的温度意味着低湿度, 使皮肤干涸, 特别是在暴露的区域, 如脸和手. 刮风或极端天气会引起或加剧常见的皮肤状况, 包括皮炎, 湿疹, 和牛皮癣.

David Gawkrodger 教授 (专攻皮肤科的顾问和英国皮肤基金会发言人) 同意, "干燥的皮肤条件, 如湿疹在寒冷和雨水中变得更糟; 你会在潮湿的风中得到很多裂痕。” 简单地用毛帽包裹温暖的帽子, 围巾和跳投不是答案, as wool and extra layers often irritate existing skin complaints. According to Indy Rhial from the British Skin Foundation the best approach is to “look after your skin from the inside by eating well. If your diet is healthy and well balanced, your general health will benefit and this will be reflected in your skin”. With that in mind, why not consider adding a number of skin-friendly superfoods to your diet, such as organic maca powder, that will actively nourish and protect your skin during those long, winter months? You can discover more about organic maca and its amazing benefits for skin below.

Organic maca powder for healthy skin

What is organic maca powder?

Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) is a tuber crop native to Peru, where it is commonly known as the ‘aphrodisiac of the Andes’ 曾经被认为是如此有价值, 以至于它成为一种支付手段, 并被用来结算税收. 栽培的以上 2600 年, 马卡生长在海拔极高的地方, 可以在极端温度下生存 – 甚至有这种耐寒的报告, 萝卜样的根类蔬菜蓬勃发展 4300 米. 玛卡最重要的部分是它的根, 它燥并磨成有机的马卡粉. 有机马卡粉拥有各种不同的颜色, 从哑光白色和黄色到红色, 紫色和黑色. 在战斗前提供给印加战士, 以提高警觉性, 能源和力量, 有机粉富含有益的营养物质, 包括维生素 (B1, B2, C, e), 矿物质和微量元素 (钙, 钾, 镁, 钠, 锌, 铜, , 锰, 锡, 碘, 磷, 硫, 硅和钼) 和复杂的生物碱. Organic maca powder is also rich in immune strengthening fatty acids and sterols that are essential for our general health and wellbeing. In fact organic maca powder is an adaptogen, which means that it has a balancing and regulatory effect on our mind and body. It is also known to encourage healthy hormone production and has been used by both sexes to enhance libido and fertility for centuries.

How can organic maca powder promote healthy, 容光焕发的肌肤?

In addition to the many health benefits listed above, organic maca powder is rapidly gaining a reputation for its ability to promote a healthy, radiant complexion and research has shown that it can structurally enhance the firmness of skin and boost its inherent protective abilities. 实验室研究表明, 麦神根能刺激体外成纤维细胞的增殖, 导致明显年轻的皮肤. 研究还表明, 马卡提取物能促进角质形成细胞的产生, 这反过来又增加了胶原蛋白的合成, 改善皮肤结构基质的整体完整性, 让它更坚定, 更光滑, 没有不受欢迎的细纹和皱纹.

也许并不奇怪, 越来越多的化妆品公司开始在他们的护肤品中加入有机粉.


有机粉可以在冰沙中享用, 奶昔或蛋白质饮料, 是一种理想的原料, 在生蛋糕, 布丁和甜点. 与生可可产品结合使用时尤其美味, making it a perfect addition to your favourite homemade raw chocolate creations. As well as incorporating organic maca powder into your daily diet, try adding it to your favourite facemask or scrub for impressive skin care results.

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