7 你的高度影响你的健康方式

在 6 脚, 8 英寸, 博士. 埃里克·特鲁米内斯从字面上脱颖而出. "人们记得我是谁,” 状态泡沫外科医生&安皮廷·奥斯汀, 德州. 但是,尽管身高与社会和专业福利有联系, 例如,更可取,赚取更多的收入, 高耸的别人有失败, 太. "我的身高的祸,仍然罢工我的想法的东西,” 特鲁米人发现, "后,我让自己有点减少和有点僵硬, 我发现我做的更频繁。” 这只是身高对健康影响的开始. 下面列出了七个健康问题,这些问题可能对身高或矮于平均水平的个人产生不成比例的影响:

1. 坚固耐用

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从变革的角度来看, 有一个费用,体验津贴变得高: 更短的寿命. 既然理论是, "成长更快,更大意味着你只是将有一个非常短的存在, 因此,我们已经观察到,在老鼠,” 状态 玛丽 学校教育, 一个教授围绕镇学院的最新你将能够学校的公共健康保险健康政策. 在人类, 理论如何发挥不太明显. 虽然某些基因实际上是联系在一起的&短个子和延长存在, 和较短的人口似乎也停留更长的时间, 很难知道身材本身是否影响寿命或可能的特点,如饮食, 社会经济地位和疾病风险账户.

2. 癌症

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如果你考虑什么癌症&ampnbspis abnormal cells distributing uncontrollable “being taller and becoming a larger possibility of cancer makes some type of sense,” Schooling states, since more cells might mean more opportunity for any cancer-causing mutation. That explanation plays within the study hormone-related cancers, for instance breast, ovarian and prostate, for common among the height-gifted. Growth the body’s hormones, 太, be the cause in the development of cancer, since studies&ampnbspsuggest that too little it lowers the time from the condition. “That might be another possible path,” Schooling states.

3. Coronary disease and diabetes

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Here’s a place where short people have the, 很好, short finish in the stick: They seem to get more susceptible to coronary disease&ampnbspand diabetes, 研究&ampnbspindicates. “Greater height might allow bigger, higher quality blood stream ships,” Schooling describes. 或, possibly taller individuals are usually shielded from cardiometabolic conditions since they received healthier diets&ampnbspas children or elevated within an atmosphere where they were less uncovered to infections. “We don’t know certainly whether or not this’s really really the peak, or maybe it’s another factor causing you to taller and safeguards you against heart disease,” Schooling states.

4. Lung transplantation&ampnbsp

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Whether arranged within the deli counter or separated from buddies inside a concert, short people might be inside a disadvantage when seeking attention. That inclination might be particularly dangerous if people individuals are waiting for a lung transplant: Research signifies&ampnbsppeople 5 脚, 3 inches or shorter wait longer for your organ and will probably die on the way than organ visitors&ampnbspwith more average levels. The authors suggest modifying the transplant process &ampndash including potentially surgically “downsizingtoo-big bronchi &ampndash to handle the disparity.

5. Injuries

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Not only are tall people more injuries-prone, however injuries are often worse than people gone through by the shorter set. “Taller patients, once there is a fall, they’re prone to go a good deal further and &amphellip the end result will probably be greater,” Truumees states, watching that older tall people have greater rates of hip fracture. Some data signifies lean people may also be crippled by reduced reactions occasions, he adds, since their nerve impulses have farther to go to. Professional athletes, for starters, be familiar with results of the phenomenon perfectly: Towering gamers, Truumees states, have greater rates of injuries and harder to recoup than their littler teammates.

6. Thrombus

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Extended legs: Great in the event you’re one, not-so-great in the event you’re around the extended plane ride, wearing a cast when you overcome surgical methods or are otherwise unable to maneuver your quads frequently to prevent thrombus, Truumees states. 事实上, one study&ampnbspfound that men 6 foot or taller were 2.6 occasions more vulnerable to develop venous thromboembolism than men 4 或 5 inches shorter guys who were both tall and obese were more than five occasions as vulnerable to obtain the condition. “Those people need to be careful,” Truumees states, 以来, inside the worst type of cases, thrombus can click on the bronchi and cause dying.

7. Spine, spine problems

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Most workspaces aren’t created using non-average levels in your thoughts: “Short people, tall people &ampndash they’re all working across the same cubicle or work unit, which induce a variety of spinal problems,” created for the tall ones, that are more susceptible to spine conditions like scoliosis, states Truumees, director of spine research within the Seton Spine and Scoliosis Center in Austin. While making sure your workspace is ergonomically correct helps, some conditions, like planes, can’t be modified &ampndash much to Truumees’s disappointment. “They say existence is among the journey, not the destination,” according to him, “but personally, it’s the destination, the right path is not everything fun.

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