Circadia Gece Kontrol Losyonu (5% Benzoil Peroksit) – 2 Oz (00634)


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Sipariş Konusunda Yardım İçin Sohbet Etmek İçin Tıklayın & Price ListCircadia Nighttime Control Lotion (5% Benzoil Peroksit)(For Acne Skin Types) has been formulated with a special form of benzoyl peroxide that is less irritating. This allows for penetration to pores attacking the bacteria, P. akne, a known contributor to the development of acne lesions.Directions:Cleanse skin thoroughly before applying Nighttime Control. Cover entire affected area with thin layer 1 Hedef 3 günlük kez. Çünkü cildin aşırı kuruması meydana gelebilir, start with 1 application every day, or every other day, gradually increasing to 2 veya 3 times a day if needed. Rahatsız edici kuruluk veya soyulma meydana gelirse, Uygulamayı günde bir veya iki günde bir azaltın.

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