Biodroga Energize & Perfect 24-Hour Care for Normal skin is a silky, Delikat kräm som aktiverar hudcellernas ämnesomsättning och hudens mikrocirkulation. it instantly conceals lines thanks to the filler effect and light-refracting pigments. På grund av ljusreflekterande pigment, Biodroga Energize & Perfect 24-Hour Care for Normal skin immediately boost the skin’s appearance, Minskar tecken på trött hud och förstärker hudens ton och vitalitet. Biodroga Energize & Perfect 24-Hour Care for Normal skin Benefits:Gently stimulates tired skin cells.Firms and smoothes the skin.Gives the skin a relaxed and radiant appearance.A fresh complexion, more resilience and toned looking facial contours.Ideally suited for normal skin and under makeup.Biodroga Energize & Perfect 24-Hour Care for Normal skin Directions:Applicera i ansiktet morgon och kväll och massera in försiktigt. Biodroga Energize & Perfect 24-Hour Care for Normal skin Ingredients:Grönt kaffe, E-vitamin, Matrix peptider, Fucogel Ljusreflekterande pigment