Glo Skin Beauty Gentle Makeup Remover is a non-oily formula that gently and effectively removes all traces of makeup. It has been both allergy and clinically tested to be non-irritating for the delicate eye area. Due to anti-inflammatory and hydrating actives, Glo Skin Beauty Gentle Makeup Remover leave the skin soothed and hydrated. Преимущества: Removes all traces of makeup. Leaves the skin soothed and hydrated. Anti-inflammatory and hydrating actives. Маршруты: Saturate a cotton pad with product and hold over eyelid for a few seconds to loosen makeup. Gently swipe across eye and lip area to remove makeup. Ингредиенты: Аква (Вода/Eau), Глицерин, Децилглюкозид, Камелия Синенсис (Зелёный чай) Экстракт листьев, Алоэ Барбадоссис (Гель Алоэ Вера), Гиалуронат натрия, Полисорбат 80, Изомерат сахарида, Lavendula узколистная (Лаванда) Нефть, Сорбат калия, Дегидроуксусная кислота (и) Бензиловый спирт, Лимонная кислота.