PCA кожи Интенсивное лечение ясности – 1 Оз


SKU: PCA21180 Категория:


PCA кожи Интенсивное лечение ясности: 0.5% Pure Retinol Night (Все типы кожи) is a powerful retinol treatment to deliver the ultimate nighttime treatment for those prone to breakouts and hyperpigmentation.It provides unsurpassed corrective benefits for the fastest results possible without a prescription.Specifically formulated for acne, this advanced nighttime retinol treatment features a delivery system often used in pharmaceuticals, yet entirely new to skincare.The patented 10-hour time-release OmniSome delivery system stabilizes and carries a unique blend of ingredients deeper into the skin for superior results.PCA Skin Intensive Clarity Treatment: 0.5% Pure Retinol Night reduces acne breakouts for a dramatically clearer complexion.Benefits:An ultimate retinol nighttime treatment.Clears acne breakouts with 2% salicylic acid.Supports a clear complexion and strengthen skin with stabilized retinol.Strengthens and protect skin with retinopeptide and plant stem cell extract technology.Directions:In the evening only, apply a pea-sized amount after cleansing. Use twice per week, gradually increasing application frequency to every other night, and then advancing to each evening or as tolerated. Follow with the appropriate moisturizer.Note: It is important to wear a broad spectrum SPF during the day when using this product at night, since retinol is sun sensitizing.Key Ingredients:Ретинол (vitamin A), Салициловая кислота (2%), Lilac leaf cell culture extract, BakuchiolPCA Skin Intensive Clarity Treatment Ingredients:Вода/Аква/Вода, Хамамелис Вирджиниана (Гамамелиса) Воды, Гидроксиэтилакрилат/акрилоилдиметилтаурата натрия сополимер, SD Alcohol 40-B, Глюконацетон, Ретинол, Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer, Полисорбат 20, Каприловая/каприковой триглицеридов, Аскорбиновая кислота, Глицирризинат дикалия, Фитиновая кислота, Молочная кислота, Бензоат натрия, Аргинин, Глицерин, Vigna Aconitifolia Seed Extract, Цитрат натрия, Фенилэтилрезорцин, Мальтодекстрин, Сиринга Вульгарис (Сирень) Экстракт культуры клеток листьев, Бакучиол.

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