Карли Клосс и Бейонс использовать этот Совет, чтобы получить (Видео)

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wanted to look like supermodel Karlie Kloss. Now raise the other hand if you’ve ever wanted to look like Beyonc.

Both hands raised? Да, me too.

While I can’t promise you Karlie’s cheekbones or Beyonc’s curves, I can grant you their lips (kind of).

In the most recent episode of Karlie KlossYouTube series, “Klossy,” makeup artist Sir John says he learned this trick for the perfect lip color from the queen of all queens, Beyonc.

He explains,

Tap color on your lips. And you’re going to take the bottom color and you’re going to slightly go over, like fish mouth.

Don’t worry, it makes more sense when you watch the tutorial. Check it out up top.

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