ZAQ Noor 2.0 LED Light Therapy Face Mask


Артикул: ZQ00003 Категория:


ZAQ Noor 2.0 LED Light Therapy Face Mask is a professional-grade face mask that emits therapeutic light colors to improve various skin concerns. The mask is made of flexible silicone for safe and comfortable use, and features 100 LED bulbs in four different colors: красный, жёлтый, blue, and purple.Benefits:RED is effective at reducing fine line, sagging skin, and wrinklesYellow is used to heal eczema, Псориаз, and rosaceaBlue light has many antibacterial propertiesPurple alleviates inflammation, and has a calming balancing effectMade of flexible silicone for safe and comfortable useZAQ Noor 2.0 LED Light Therapy Face Mask Directions:Hold the top on/off button down for 2 seconds and the M1 light will appear as well as the M (Manual) свет. The initial LEDs that light up are the RED. By pressing the top button again the selection moves to BLUE, press again and then it moves to YELLOW and then finally Once you select your desired program you can stop pressing the power selection button and the treatment time will start after 5 seconds for a treatment time of 10 минут. Simply relax. You can press and hold the power/selection button for up to 3 seconds to turn the LED face mask off at any stage. For the first four weeks, as we recommend you use for less than the fixed 10-minute program, we would suggest you time your treatments to enable you to manually switch off. Once you have completed treatment remove the face mask and wipe it with a warm damp cloth to clean. Store safely.

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