Bioelements Spa Conditioner – Helps repair dry damaged hair and moisturizes your scalp. Bioelements Spa Conditioner is power-packed conditioner for hair and scalp. Nourishes scalp while repairing dry, damaged hair, adding shine, body and bounce. A shea butter base loaded with vitamins, essential oils and melting seaweed grains. Bioelements Spa Conditioner contains no artificial colorants, synthetic fragrance or animal by-products. Bioelements Spa Conditioner is not tested on animals. Ингредиенты: Экстракт водорослей,Сандалового дерева,Мудрец,Масло лаванды,Geranium Oil,Ретинил Палмитате,Масло жожоба,Масло Ши,Maritime Pine Extract,Масло примулы вечерней,Rosemary Oil,Bamboo Extract,Olive Leaf Extract,Ginko Biloba Extract,Пантенол,Гидролизованный соевый белок,Токоферол,Линоленовая кислота,Biotin Discontinued