Comfort Zone Renight Oil – 1.01 oz


LFE: CZ10879 Kategori:


Comfort Zone Renight Oil is a nourishing vitamin oil that promotes a double nourishing and anti-oxidant action.Due to precious multi-vitamin plant oil blend with certified organic Goji berry oil and macadamia oil, it is recommended for its repairing and emollient action after sun exposure or in harsh and cold climates.Comfort Zone Renight Oil is ideal for undernourished, tørr, stresset og sliten hud, in combinations with the night or day cream for anti-oxidant extra protection.Benefits:Suitable for all skin types.Good for day and night use.Skin nourished and soft.Non-greasy and anti-oxidant action.Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins.Without silicones: replaced by nourishing oils and butters.Anti-oxidant effectiveness scientifically tested.Directions:Bruk om kvelden, Etter grundig ansiktsrensing. Påfør noen dråper på håndflatene, gni og påfør med en delikat massasje i ansiktet, hals og hals. Oppmerksomhet: people allergic to walnuts and nuts might be more sensitive to the product application. Prøv å bruke en liten mengde av produktet på underarmen for å teste for toleranse. Det anbefales å lese advarslene på pakken. Apply in combination with a day cream to enhance the anti-oxidant proprieties.Ingredients:Sesamum indicum frøolje / Sesamum indicum (sesam) frøolje, Simmondsia chinensis frøolje / Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) frøolje, Macadamia ternifolia frøolje, Isoamyllaurat, oryza sativa kli olje / Oryza sativa (ris) kli olje, parfum / duft, tokoferol, Lycium barbarum frøolje, Geraniol

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