BiON Coco Mango Body Butter – 8 oz


SKU: BION-MangoBodyButter Kategori:


BiON Coco Mango Body Butter is a thick, rich cream that contains butters of cocoa, cupacu, mango and shea. This body butter is blended with organic coconut oil and palm fruit oil with high levels of carotene and tocopherols, which convert to Vitamin A, which supports the skin’s immune system, and it promotes natural moisturizing.Each butter offers skin conditioning and healing properties, along with additional elasticity.Benefits:Cupuaçu butter provides an excellent protection from moisture loss to the skinMango butter contains vitamin A, an antioxidant that stimulates the skin’s natural renewal process to produce new, sel-sel kulit yang sihat, improves the skin’s texture and elasticityCocoa and Shea butter nourishes skin to promote its clarity and addresses problems such as dryness, kecacatan, bintik gelap, discolorations, stretch marksFormulated with a delightful coconut mango scentBiON Coco Mango Body Butter Ingredients:Bahan-bahan Utama: Cocoa Seed Butter, Mentega shea, Minyak Kelapa, Mango Seed Butter, Cupuacu Butter, Green Tea Leaf ExtractDirections:Apply to any skin area and gently massage evenly into skin.

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