Eminence Almond & Rawatan Mineral, 2 oz


SKU: EM232 Kategori:


Eminence Almond & Rawatan Mineral (Kulit kering) provides intensive exfoliation and hydration for dry, kulit dehidrasi. The pH of the unique Hungarian mineral waters and organic almond oil in this masque actively softens and nourishes the skin while the fine almond grains gently exfoliates uneven, dehydrated skin surfaces. Paprika extracts stimulates the skin during exfoliation to provide complete detoxification and a more vibrant complexion, leaving the skin softer, smoother and more supple. Arahan-arahan: Apply a thin layer of product all over clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for about ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cool water. You may feel a burning, tingling sensation. This is not an allergic reaction. It should subside withing 30 Minit.

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