Bioelements Calmitude Hydrating Solution – 4 oz


SKU: B-CM002 Kategori:


Bioelements Calmitude Hydrating SolutionInstant dehydrating relieve for sensitive skin. A biologically-advanced blend of natural extracts work to soothe, nourish and hydrate sensitive and easily irritated skin types. Licorice root extract, one of the main ingredients, comforts and brightens skin while preventing redness. While White tea extract prevent collagen degradation. Along with Allantoin, skin is healed and inflamation diminished. With daily use, skin is once again hydrated, bright, translucent and healthfully radiant.Bioelements Calmitude Hydrating Solution Directions:Close eyes and spritz on after cleansing and before moisturizing. Can also be used throughout the day.

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