Eminence Quince Apple Masque, 2 oz


SKU: EM211 Kategori:


Eminence Quince Apple Masque contains natural alphahydroxy acids to tighten and refine the pores and reduce excess oil production while natural honey hydrates skin tissue. It brightens, Nada, smoothes, and hydrates the complexion. The skin will be shine free and nourished. Arahan-arahan: Apply a thin layer of masque with fingertips to cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area (dilute with water for easier application). Leave on for 5 minutes or longer (it is recommended to place wet gauze or cotton strips over top). Remove with a damp face cloth.Eminence Quince Apple Masque Ingredients: Quince Apple, Madu, Paprika Extract, Bioflavonoids, Natural Moisturizing Factor, Biocomplex (Vitamin A, Esther C, Vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid), Hydroxyethylcellulose, Natural Cream Base, Corn Germ (Zea Mays) Minyak, Xanthan Gusi, Glycine Derivative, Glycerin.

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