Dermalogica AGE Smart Multivitamin Duo – 2 pcs


SKU: DASMD2 Kategori:


$153.00 Value. This microencapsulated vitamin serum and vitamin C concentrate combination smoothes over clean skin before moisturizing. While stimulating collagen formation, Dermalogica AGE Smart Multivitamin Duo penetrates deep into skin damage, helping to decrease fine lines and hyperpigmentation (bintik-bintik). Dermalogica AGE Smart Multivitamin Duo helps stimulate collagen production, brighten skin tone, and neutralize free radicals to dramatically increase hydration, firmness and elasticity. Kit Includes: Dermalogica AGE Smart Multivitamin Power Serum – 0.75 oz Dermalogica AGE Smart MAP-15 Regenerator – 0.3 oz Benefits: Helps stimulate collagen synthesis to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Provides antioxidant protection and helps control pigmentation. Stimulates collagen production to help firm and brighten. Helps control skin-damaging free radicals and AGEs. Arahan-arahan: See the individual items. Bahan-bahan: See the individual items.

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