Sothys Gred Kit Duo Anti-Penuaan 1


SKU: SYGrade1Kit-nc Kategori:


Sothys Gred Kit Duo Anti-Penuaan 1 (Semua Jenis Kulit) helps to combat aging. The First Wrinkles Revitalizing SerumGrade 1 treats the first signs of wrinkles and expression lines that appears in your 30s. It is an energy booster serum to provide a luminous and smooth skin. The Anti-aging Cream Grade 1 is a lightweight cream that relaxes facial lines to leave the skin looking smoother and radiant. It is formulated with Candle Bush Extract to protect the skin from free radicals, Dipeptide to relax lines and wrinkles, and Oat Extract to smooth. Ideal for all skin types. Kit Mengandungi: Anti-aging Cream Grade 1, 1.7 oz First Wrinkles Revitalizing Serum Grade 1, 1 oz Arah: Lihat item individu. Bahan-bahan: Lihat item individu.

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