PCA Skin Hydrate: Therapeutic Oat Milk Mask Treatment Trial Size Set


SKU: PCA41223 Kategori:


PCA Skin Hydrate Mask Treatment Trial Size Set contains: Facial Wash/Oily Problem Smoothing Toner Hydrate: Therapeutic Oat Milk Mask Replenishing Gel Calming Balm ReBalance Perfecting Protection Broad Spectrum SPF 30 This mask was strategically formulated to soothe and hydrate impaired skin conditions of all kinds. Oat milk, an excellent humectant, is also an antioxidant. This unique treatment mask incorporates advanced botanicals and pro-vitamins such as cucumber, arnica and panthenol to calm and improve skin. This set includes everything you need to perform approximately four to five professional treatments and comes packaged in a clear travel pouch with a protocol card. Arahan-arahan: See the individual items. Bahan-bahan: See the individual items.

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