PCA Skin A Time To Renew Kit


SKU: PCArenewkit Kategori:


PCA Skin A Time To Renew Kit (Semua Jenis Kulit) contains everything you need for healthy looking skin. The serum helps to encourage healthy skin function and cellular renewal with the use of potent antioxidants and epidermal growth factor, the lip therapy enhances barrier protection to shield lips from the elements, rebuilding the collagen matrix for increased strength and resiliency, and boosting moisture retention, and the eye cream is a triple peptide formula that reduces fine lines, puffiness and dark circles. Kit Mengandungi: Rejuvenating Serum, 1 oz Peptide Lip Therapy, .3 oz EyeXcellence, .5 oz Arah: Lihat item individu. PCA Skin A Time To Renew Kit Ingredients: Lihat item individu.

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