Bioelements Starter Kit for Oily/Very Oily Skin


SKU: B-GB212 Kategori:


Bioelements Great Skin in a Box includes full sizes of the following essentials for your VERY OILY AND OILY complexion. These product will thoroughly cleanse your skin, rebalance, menyuburkan, and remove dead skin cells while leaving your skin bright and radiant.Kit contains: Decongestant Cleanser, 6 ozEqualizer, 6 ozBeyond Hydration, 2.5 ozMeasured Micrograins, 2.5 ozBioelements Starter Kit for Oily/Very Oily Skin Directions: 1: CLEANSE Decongestant Cleanser: Cleanse the skin AM and PM. 2: TONE Equalizer: Spray on skin after cleansing. 3: EXFOLIATE Measured Micrograins: Use one to three times a week. Apply to damp skin avoiding eye area, and gently massage. Rinse. 4: MOISTURIZE Beyond Hydration: Apply to face and neck after every AM and Equalizer (or directly after Measured Micrograins on days when you exfoliate).Bioelements Starter Kit for Oily/Very Oily Skin Ingredients: Lihat item individu.

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