Face Reality HydraCalm Mask – 2.5 oz (M-7) (03228)


SKU: FR-M-7 Kategori:


Face Reality HydraCalm Mask is infused with ultra-soothing ingredients to restore moisture and calm the skin. This gentle formula contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and leave the skin revitalized. It is appropriate for all skin types, especially dry and dehydrated.Benefits:Recommended for all types of skin, especially dry and dehydrated.Acne clients can use this mask while they are in the process of clearing their skin and after their skin is clear.This is also a great product for your non-acne clients looking for a mask to provide hydrating, moisturizing and soothing properties.Directions:Apply to clean face and neck. Leave on 10 untuk 15 minutes and remove.

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