Doctor Babor Repair RX Ultimate ECM Repair Serum – 1.69 fl.oz (464322)


SKU: B32837 Kategori:


Doctor Babor ULTIMATE ECM SERUM is your go-to “go bagsolution for the everyday elements and ageing. The formula is lightweight yet functional perfect for work or play in all weather conditions. This serum can also act as both an astringent and antibacterial agent when you need protection against bacteria that can cause infected wounds.Benefits:Provide Protection to your skin against bacteriasAnti ageingCan be used for all weather conditionDirections:Apply in the morning and/or evening, selepas pembersihan. Using the palm of your hands, press the serum into the skin. Especially recommended for the care of the skin during cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments or after intensive peels. Doctor Babor Ultimate ECM Serum Key Ingredients:Biogen Plant Extract (proprietary), Cotton Thistle Flower, and Wakame Extract.

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