Biodroga Facial Exfoliator with AHA – 2.7 oz


SKU: BD12184 Kategori:


Biodroga Facial Exfoliator with AHA is formulated with a high dose of sugar cane to help smooth out the look of fine lines, fade age spots and other discolorations. It combines an intensive peeling effect with special performance properties of AHA to deep clean and make the skin look visibly refined and younger looking. Arahan-arahan: Evenly apply a 1 untuk 2 mm thick coat to cleansed skin. Izin berkesan 5 untuk 10 minit, then gently exfoliate with moistened fingers. Continue for 2 untuk 5 minutes as needed. Remove using moist compresses or a cosmetic sponge. Avoid eye area and contact with the eyes.

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