Comfort Zone Sacred Nature Oil – 6.76 oz


SKU: CZ10288 Kategori:


Comfort Zone Sacred Nature Oil is a nourishing toning body oil for all skin types. Created with 100% of ingredients of natural origin, this exclusive concentrate of organic oils helps to nourish the body's skin. Due to Jojoba oil and Buriti oil, Comfort Zone Sacred Nature Oil increases skin elasticity.Benefits: Helps hydrating and elasticising 24.99% of ingredients are from organic crops. Improves the appearance of stretch marks. Anti-oxidant and nourishing action. Tiada silikon : digantikan dengan minyak dan mentega berkhasiat. Arahan-arahan: Apply every day to nourish and maintain skin elasticity. Apply it also on the face, in case of particularly undernourished skin. Bahan-bahan: Simmondsia chinensis minyak biji / Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) minyak biji, oleyl erucate, Hexyldecanol, Hexyldecyl laurate, DiCaprylyl karbonat, DiCaprylyl Ether, parfum / Wangian, Minyak Buah Mauritia Flexuosa, minyak biji helianthus annuus / helanthus annuus (Sunflower) minyak biji, Tokoferol, limonene, linalool, Geraniol, Citral

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