Biodroga Cleansing Foam Creamy


SKU: BD42845 Kategori:


Biodroga Cleansing Foam Creamy (Untuk Jenis Kulit Biasa untuk Gabungan) features a thick, frothy lather that sweeps away makeup and impurities and leaves skin feeling purified and soothed. Biodroga Cleansing Foam preserves skin’s natural balance and calms mild redness and irritation, leaving skin perfectly prepared for treatment and moisture.Biodroga Cleansing Foam Creamy Directions:Build up a lather in the palm of the hand with a small amount of cleansing foam and water. Gently massage onto face. Rinse well.Biodroga Cleansing Foam Creamy Ingredients:Allantoin – Soothes and stimulates cell regeneration.

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