How to Determine Your Face Shape In 3 Simple Steps

You need to know your face shape to know your style, from glasses, haircuts, and makeup. We all come in different sizes and shapes, just like we all have our own personalities. Knowing your face shape unlocks a world of beauty tips and tricks, whether you have the delicate features of an oval face, the defined angles of a square jaw or the soft curves of a round face. We’ll take you through 3 easy steps in this post to find your face shape so you can make decisions that flatter your best bits and boost your self-confidence. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Skin Beauty Determine Your Face Shape in 3 Simple Steps

Table of⁤ Contents

Unlocking the Mystery:⁣ Why Face Shape⁤ Matters in Your⁤ Beauty Routine

Your face shape‍ plays⁣ a huge part in determining ⁣the best beauty techniques to enhance your features. Knowing whether ⁣you have a round, oval, square or heart-shaped face gives you the insight to choose the⁣ right hairstyles, makeup techniques and even eyewear. For example, if you have a square face, softening the angles with layers or waves⁣ can​ create a ‍more balanced​ look. And if you have a round ⁤face ⁢may want to consider hairstyle ⁤choices​ that add height and ‌elongate​ the face, ‌such as ‌off-center parts or high⁤ ponies.

If you’re wondering what kind of haircut to get, we have a few blog posts that may help. I know I’m always trying to find the best haircut for my face shape! It makes a huge difference. Plus, there are styles that we may not consider that we should experiment with.

In addition, face shape affects makeup! We have a guide specifically about makeup down below.

Skin Beauty Face Shape Guide

Gather Your Tools – What You ‍Need for the Perfect Assessment

I didn’t know what my face shape was until I used these methods to figure it out. You can check with one of these or try them all to be sure!

Method 1: Measurement Method

  1. Gather Tools:
    • Flexible Measuring Tape or Ruler: A soft measuring tape is best for curves, but a straight ruler works too.
    • Mirror
  2. Take Key Measurements:
    • Forehead Width:
      • Measure from one side of your forehead to the other at its widest point, just above your eyebrows.
    • Cheekbone Width:
      • Measure across your face at the cheekbones highest point. This is usually just below the outer corners of your eyes.
    • Jawline Width:
      • Measure from the widest point of one side of your jaw to the other. This is just below the ears.
    • Face Length:
      • Measure from the hairline (or the top of your forehead) straight down to the tip of your chin. For some, this may include measuring through the forehead if the hairline is receding.
  3. Analyze the Ratios:
    • Write down your measurements for comparison.
    • Look for patterns – these tend to be the most common face shapes, but there are more:
      • Oval Face: Face length is longer than width; jawline is softer and rounded.
      • Square Face: All measurements are similar, with a strong jawline and straight sides.
      • Round Face: Length and width are similar, but with softer angles, giving a fuller appearance.
      • Heart Shape: Wider forehead with a narrower jawline.
      • Long/Rectangular Face: Face length is much longer than width, often with a straight jawline.

Method 2: Visual Method

  1. Use a Mirror:
    • Stand at eye level with good lighting. Avoid harsh shadows as they can distort your features.
  2. Look for Distinct Features:
    • Forehead: Is it broad, narrow or average? This can help with shapes.
    • Cheekbones: Do they stick out? Prominent cheekbones often mean heart or oval.
    • Jawline: Is it angular or rounded? Strong jawline means square; soft jawline means round or oval.
  3. Compare with Face Shape Charts:


Method 3: Hairline and Jawline Method

  1. Examine Your Hairline:
    • Note the shape:
      • Straight Across: May mean square or rectangular.
      • Rounded: Often means oval or round.
      • Widow’s Peak: Means heart or triangular if paired with a narrower jaw.
  2. Look at Your Jawline:
    • Observe the contour:
      • Sharp and Angular: Means square or rectangular.
      • Soft and Rounded: Means round or oval.
      • Pointed Chin: Means heart or triangular shape.
  3. Combine the Two:
    • Use the features from both your hairline and jawline to get a complete picture.
    • For example, if you have a rounded hairline but a strong jawline, you might be oval.
  4. Cross-Reference:
      • Once you have all your observations, compare them with the face shape categories. How do your unique features fit into these shapes? Some faces don’t fit perfectly into one category.

Finding the Perfect Makeup for Your Face Shape

Understanding your face shape is essential for achieving a flawless makeup look. Different face shapes—oval, round, square, heart, and diamond—have unique features that can be enhanced with the right techniques.

Oval Face Shape: This versatile shape can rock almost any makeup style. For a balanced look, focus on enhancing your cheekbones with blush applied to the apples of your cheeks.

Round Face Shape: To elongate a round face, use contouring techniques. Apply bronzer along the sides of your forehead and under your cheekbones to create a more angular appearance.

Square Face Shape: Soften strong jawlines with blush and highlighter. Focus on the tops of your cheekbones and blend towards the temples to create a more rounded effect.

Heart Face Shape: Balance a wider forehead with makeup. Use lighter shades on the forehead and brighter blush on the apples of your cheeks to draw attention downward.

Diamond Face Shape: Highlight your cheekbones by using highlighter above them and keeping your makeup minimal on the forehead and chin for a well-rounded appearance.

By tailoring your makeup routine to your specific face shape, you can enhance your natural beauty and achieve a stunning look every time. For more tips on makeup application based on face shapes, stay tuned to our blog!

Skin Beauty Face Shape Makeup Guide

Identifying Your​ Body Shape – Categorizing for Confidence and Style

Knowing your body shape is key to boost your confidence and refine your⁢ personal style. ⁢Each body‍ type has its own characteristics that will guide you in choosing clothes that⁤ will flatter your best features. Here are the common shapes:

  • Apple: Broader shoulders and bust⁤ with a narrower waist and hips.
  • Pear: ‍Wider hips and thighs with a smaller bust ​and defined waist.
  • Hourglass: Well-balanced bust and hip measurements with a noticeable waist.
  • Rectangle: Same ​bust ⁣and hip measurements with no waist definition.
  • Inverted Triangle: ⁢Broader shoulders or bust with⁤ narrower hips.

Once you know your shape,⁢ you can try ⁣tailored styles that will not only flatter​ your figure but also make you feel powerful. Here are the tips to accentuate your body shape:

  • Apple: ⁢Flowy fabrics⁤ that drape beautifully and take attention away from the midsection.
  • Pear: A-line skirts and dresses will emphasize your waist and skim over your‌ hips.
  • Hourglass: ⁢Fitted clothes⁤ to show off your curves, with belts to define the waist.
  • Rectangle: Add layers, ruffles or peplum tops to create the ⁢illusion ⁤of curves.
  • Inverted ‌Triangle: ⁢Balance your silhouette ‍with flared pants or A-line skirts to soften broader shoulders.


Q&A: How to Find Your Face Shape in 3 ‍Easy Steps

**Q: Why is it⁣ important to know​ your face shape?**​
A:‍ Knowing your face shape is a game-changer for many 💁‍♀️ beauty and 💃 fashion aspects. Whether⁢ you’re choosing the right hairstyle, selecting flattering‍ glasses,​ or picking out contouring techniques, knowing⁣ your ⁢face shape will help you highlight your best features.

Q: What are the ⁢different face shapes?
A:⁢ Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Oval: Forehead is ⁣slightly wider than the​ chin;‌ cheekbones are the widest point.
  • Square: All widths are fairly uniform, with⁣ a strong jawline.
  • Round: Face length and width are similar, with soft, curved ⁤lines.
  • Heart: Wider forehead and cheekbones, ‍narrowing down⁣ to a pointed chin.
  • Diamond: Cheekbones‌ are the widest, with a narrow forehead and jawline.
  • Triangle: A narrow forehead with a wider jawline, resembling a triangular silhouette.
  • By⁣ using your measurements and these features, you can find your face shape.

Q: Do I need any⁤ special tools ⁢or apps⁣ to find my face‍ shape?
A: Nope! All you need are some basic ​measuring tools like a ruler or measuring tape, a mirror,‌ and your keen observational skills. There are‌ also apps available, but the manual method adds a ⁢personal touch ‍and is just as effective.

Q: Can my face shape change over time?
A: Yes, it can! Aging, weight⁢ changes and even hairstyle can change the appearance of your ‍face ⁣shape. It’s a good idea to ​reassess your face shape every now and then, especially if you’re going through a major change⁤ in ​your ⁢style or physique.

Q: How can‍ knowing ​my ‌face ​shape help me in⁢ daily life?
A:⁤ Beyond styling, ⁤knowing your​ face ‌shape‌ can boost your⁤ confidence. It affects decisions about haircuts, makeup ‍techniques and even⁤ accessories. By matching your choices to your features, you’ll feel ​more ⁢empowered to express yourself!

Q: Any tips for those‍ who⁤ still ‍can’t find their face shape?
A: If you’re still⁤ unsure, ask a friend for their opinion or try out different hairstyles and makeup ⁣looks to see what works for you. Ultimately the best face⁣ shape is the one that makes you feel comfortable ​and confident—love yourself!

Now you know your face shape. Enjoy!

Finding your face shape ⁢doesn’t have to ⁤be hard.⁢ With just ⁣three simple​ steps,‍ you can see‍ the shape of your face, and then make more⁢ informed decisions about hair, makeup,⁢ and accessories. Remember your‌ face shape ​is just⁣ one part​ of ​your beauty, a canvas to express yourself. Now that you know, use this to experiment with looks that suit your features‌ and boost your confidence. Grab a ⁣mirror, follow the steps and get to know yourself. After all, the secret to feeling ‍your best is to know yourself!

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