Peter Thomas Roth Combination Skin Cleansing Gel – 8 ऑउंस


स्कू: PTR807 कोटि:

या क़िस्‍म

Peter Thomas Roth Combination Skin Cleansing Gel: oil-free for slightly oily, combination or normal skin. An oil-free cleansing gel formulated for slightly oily, योग, or normal skin. Use to remove all make-up and excess oil for a soap and water “squeaky cleanfeel without dehydration. Peter Thomas Roth Combination Skin Cleansing Gel cleanser is an excellent half-way measure between Sensitive Skin Cleansing Gel and Extra Strength Cleansing Gel. पीटर थॉमस रोथ पुरुषों और महिलाओं के लिए है. पीटर थॉमस रोथ क्रूरता मुक्त है.

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