ZAQ Masques faciaux apaisants en pierre


SKU: ZQ00004-B Catégorie:


ZAQ Soothing Stone Face Masks use the power of cooling stones to help reduce inflammation and swelling. The comfortable weight of the mask provides a relaxing experience that helps you unwind after a long day.ZAQ Rose quartz face mask is perfect for anyone who wants to nourish their skin with the power of crystals. La couleur rose tendre du masque est infusée des pouvoirs curatifs du quartz rose, qui peut aider à effacer les rides et à lisser le teint. Just sit back and relax while the mask infuses your skin with nutrients and minerals.ZAQ Amethyst Stone Face Mask is a powerful, pierre apaisante qui peut aider à calmer les nuits blanches et les journées agitées. Selon des études médicales, Le masque s’est avéré efficace dans le traitement de l’arthrite, acouphène, insomnie, and headaches.ZAQ Jade Stone Face Mask is a natural way to promote better health and well-being. La pierre précieuse est utilisée depuis des siècles pour ses propriétés métaphysiques, et est maintenant utilisé dans les masques faciaux pour offrir une foule d’avantages. Le masque aide à dissiper les énergies négatives, encourage la créativité et le rêve, et favorise tous les domaines de la vie, y compris la longévité, guérison, and peaceful passing into the next life.ZAQ Blue Sodalite Stone Face Mask, a hand-crafted mask made with blue sodalite stone. Sodalite helps us know ourselves at a deeper level, giving us a renewed sense of confidence and self-esteem.The ZAQ Tiger Eye Stone Face Mask has many benefits for your skin and health. It is effective in alleviating nightmares, and helps relieve asthma attacks. It also strengthens alignment of the spine and stimulates the repair of broken bones.ZAQ White Jade Stone Face Mask has plenty of healing properties that are perfect for your skin. It’s believed to have a positive and brilliant power of light that will help improve your complexion.ZAQ Black Obsidian Stone Face Mask is hand-crafted with the highest quality black obsidian. This powerful stone cleanses your aura of psychic smog and helps to shield you against negativity. The energy of this stone may stimulate the gift of prophesy.Benefits:Reduces dark circles under eyesEncourages lymphatic flowReduces puffinessEncourage blood flowLoweres redness and irritation on contactZAQ Soothing Stone Face Masks Directions:Place mask over your face. Laisser agir jusqu’à 15-20 minutes. Store in the refrigerator and apply extra cold.

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