BiON Mineral Cream Exfoliating Cleanser – 4 اونس


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BiON Mineral Cream Exfoliating Cleanser is a non-traditional cream cleanser formulated around a natural mineral clay base that gives a gentle abrasive action to exfoliate, leaving the skin soft and smooth. علاوه, it has healing and anti-inflammatory properties while also tackling bacteria. The lecithin enhances the appearance of dry skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness. Exfoliation can be crucial for your skincare routine. Built-up dead skin cells on your skin will make other skincare products inefficient.Benefits:The minerals and clay in this formula have a gentle abrasive action to exfoliate, leaving skin soft and smoothHas healing and anti-inflammatory properties to help calm and irritation and inflammation on the skinCan help other skincare products penetrate deeper by exfoliating built-up dead skin cells on the surfaceDirections:moisten with water and gently massage into skin. Rinse thoroughly and dry. It may be used as a mask for acne by leaving it on the skin for 1-3 minutes and then rinsing with water.Ingredients:مواد کلیدی: Montmorillonite Clay, Aloe Vera Juice, Apricot Kernel Oil, Betaglucan, Algae ExtractIngredients: اب دیونیزه (آبی), هلیانتیوس انوس (آفتابگردان) روغن بذر, Montmorillonite Clay, پرنوس آرمنیاکا (زردآلو) روغن هسته, عصاره جلبک, رزا دمشق (رز) اب گل, لوریل گلوکوزید, گلیسیرین, ساکارز کاکائو, الوئه باربادنسیس (آلوئه ورا) اب برگ, Oat Betaglucan, درخت جنسهیاجنسان (جینسنگ) عصاره, لاندولا انگستیفولیا (اسطوخودوس) روغن, افیچینا (اشرفی) روغن گل, Pelargonium Graveolens (گل شمعدانی) روغن گل, روسمارینوس اوفسینالیس (رزماری) عصاره برگ, صمغ اسکلروتیوم, اسید سیتریک, گلیسیریل کاپریلات, P-انیزیک اسید

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