Doctor Babor Refine RX Rebalancing Liquid – 6 3/4 Oz (464338)


SKU: B32853 Categoría:


Doctor Babor Refine RX Rebalancing Liquid is a calming facial toner that optimally prepares the skin. Enriched with 1.5% Capryloyl glycine and Beta glucan, it supports the skin’s natural pH and calms irritated, piel sensible. Después de la limpieza, it helps to absorb subsequently applied skincare products. Doctor Babor Refine RX Rebalancing Liquid leaves the skin looking calmer and more balanced with a pleasant feel on the skin. Doctor Babor Refine RX Rebalancing Liquid Benefits: A balancing facial toner. Regulates. calms and strengthens the skin. Feelings of tension are noticeable reduced. Protects the skin against environmental influences. Free from fragrances, artificial colorants and alcohol. Suitable for all skin types.Doctor Babor Refine RX Rebalancing Liquid Directions:After cleansing or exfoliating the skin, pour a little liquid onto a cotton pad and apply to the face, cuello. Leave on to take effect, then apply your regular moisturizer.Doctor Babor Refine RX Rebalancing Liquid Ingredients:Aqua, hexilenglicol, capryloyl glycine, pantenol, fenoxietanol, xilitylglucósido, etilhexilenglicerina, magnesium carboxymethyl beta-glucan, goma biosacágeno-1, ácido cítrico, pantolactona, glutatión

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