Cellex-C Betaplex Smooth Skin Complex, 2 oz (60 Ml)


SKU: CX31251 Categoría:


CELLEX-C Betaplex Smooth Skin Complex: Physical Description: Smooth Skin Complex is a luxurious, rich moisturizing cream containing a combination (8%) of alpha hydroxy acids plus beta hydroxy acid extracted from willow bark. Primary Benefit: Regular use will help stimulate new skin cells to the surface by encouraging dry, lifeless old cells to fall away, thereby helping to restore a healthy looking, translucent, smoothness and color to the skin. Primary Ingredients: Lactic acid, ácido glicólico, malic acid, and willow bark extract. Skin Types / Conditions: Seco, sensitive and mature. When to use: Por la noche, maximum three times a week. Used by Date 11/2010.

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