PCA Skin Replenish Kit dramatically improve the appearance of skin. Sættet indeholder: PCA Hud Exlinea Peptide Udjævning Serum (1 Ounce) -pHaze 25 is formulated with powerful antioxidants and peptides to smooth existing wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming. PCA Skin EyeXcellence (.5 Ounce) – pHaze 12 is formulated with three peptides to reduce puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles around the eye area. PCA Skin Perfecting Protection SPF 20 (.25 Ounce) – reduce current and prevent future skin discolorations. Rutevejledning: Please see indiviudal items. PCA Skin Replenish Kit Ingredients: Please see indiviudal items.