Sothys Anti-Aging Duo Kit Comfort Grade 2


SKLADOVÁ JEDNOTKA: SYDuoKitComfort2-nc Kategorie:


Sothys Anti-Aging Duo Kit Comfort Grade 2 (Typy suché pleti) helps to combat aging. The Anti-Wrinkle Lifting SerumGrade 2 targets deeper wrinkles and permanent expression lines that appear in your 40s. Features become firmed, smoothed and protected. The Anti-Aging Comfort Cream Grade 2 is a rich cream to treat and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Pomáhá obličejovým linkám vypadat hladší, strenghtens the collagen fibers and reinforces the structure of the dermis. Formulated with Candle Bush Extract to protect against free radicals, Synthetic Tetrapeptide to strengthen collagen fibers, and Cyprus Esculentus Extract reinforces the structure of the dermis. Ideal for dry skin with fine lines and wrinkles. Sada obsahuje: Anti-aging komfortní krém stupně 2, 1.7 oz Anti-Wrinkle Lifting SerumGrade 2, 1 oz Instrukce: Zobrazit jednotlivé položky. Ingredience: Zobrazit jednotlivé položky.

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