Peter Thomas Roth Oxygen Mist – 8.5 oz




Peter Thomas Roth Oxygen Mist helps hydrate, heal and purify the skin naturally. A soothing, bez parfemace, dye-free tonic with whole-lead aloe vera that works with natural anti-bacterial action that restores skin to its normal pH. Soothes sunburn, shaving irritation, bodnutí hmyzem, potnička, itching and other minor skin irritations. It contains natural healing oxygen electrolytes, whole-lead aloe vera, zinek, vitamin C and bioflavonoids to to revitalize dull, congested skin by oxygenating and plumping surface skin cells. Směry: Apply twice daily after cleansing. Cover the eyes and mist face and neck, vyhýbání se očnímu okolí, or apply with premoistened cotton. Peter Thomas Roth Oxygen Mist Ingredients: Voda, Glycerin, Hydrogen Peroxide, Whole Leaf Aloe Vera, kyselina askorbová (Vitamín C), Methylparabenu.

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