26 Drobné věci budete muset začít dělat pro sebe letos

1. Use good-quality moisturizer on your face every morning, every night, nebo, if you live in a dry, cold climate, both.

2. Unfollow all of the Instagram accounts and Facebook friends that make you feel like shit. Unsubscribe to all of the random-ass e-newsletters that show up in your inbox even though you dont remember signing up for them.

3. Color. Adult coloring books are becoming increasingly popular because theyre amazing. (Ano, thats subjective, but youd be amazed by how relaxed you can feel coloring in a beautiful and intricate page with colored pencils.)

4. Set aside time to just sit by yourself and be silent. Schedule yourself into your day. Use the time alone to meditate, read, breathe, take a bath, nebo, if youre really exhausted, to take a nap.

5. Write down what youre going to accomplish at the beginning of every work day (or the night before, if it will help you sleep better).

6. Be aware of what youre putting into your body. You dont need to only ingest health foods, but make a conscious effort to drink a lot of water, and balance out your meals.

7. Save more money. You dont have to aggressively save every month, but make a conscious effort to give yourself a savings goal, and then try to meet it. At the end of each month, evaluate whether you actually followed through.

8. Dress appropriately for the weather. You dont need to look like a knockout in a hat, gloves, scarf and parka. You just need to stay warm.

9. Stop to smell the flowers when someone is selling them at your local market.

10. Reading one article per day that you really enjoy.

11. When you talk to your mom, dad, siblings or friends on the phone, ve skutečnosti si čas říct jim, co se stalo během dne. Zeptejte se na svůj den. Dont utrácet celou konverzaci, při pohledu na pracovní e-maily.

12. Když existují důležité aktualizace softwaru pro váš telefon nebo počítač, je stáhnout, když máš. budete ztrácet méně času chce hodit telefon o zeď, protože její načítání tak pomalu.

13. Když vám někdo nabízí sousto potravy, Řekni ano.

14. Zhodnotit své nedostatky pravidelně. Uvědomit si, co jsi dělal špatně. Udržujte své vlastní chování v šachu.

15. Ale nebuďte na sebe příliš tvrdý. Když jsi na někoho neuvěřitelně tvrdý, uvědomit si, že jste couldve přiblížil situaci v laskavější způsobem. Když dáte v opravdu náročném dni práce a ne všechno jde podle plánu, Netrap se nad ním.

16. Udělat popcorn na sporák.

17. Look nice on days when you have nothing special going on. You dont always have to dress up for a date, or an important meeting. You dont need to dress up just for the compliments. Pick a day, and dress up because you wanted to look good.

18. Buy quality ingredients at the grocery store so that youre excited about the food youre cooking for dinner. Nothing brightens up a meal like pesto, good bread, or a fresh vegetable.

19. Get a lot of sleep when youre not feeling well. Stop running yourself into the ground when your body feels weak, you have a bad headache, or you feel a cold coming on. Listen to your body and get into bed. Make yourself some tea. Have some Vitamin C.

20. Listen to comedy in the car, or on the Subway. LOL while no one is watching.

21. Take a workout class you feel completely ridiculous signing up for. Try hip hop, zumba, or kickboxing. If you cant get a friend to do it with you, just be brave and go alone.

22. Stop showering every day (unless you have really thin hair). Its better for your skin and your hair if you shower less frequently. You dont need to grow dreads (though feel free to), but you should try washing your hair every second day.

23. Re: hair care, use the over-ripened avocados in your fridge as shampoo every so often. Your hair really will turn out shiny AF.

24. Smile at little kids. Smile at adults. Stop pursing your lips at strangers who are walking on the wrong side of the street. All you’re doing is giving yourself premature wrinkles.

25. Sit up straight.

26. When youre listening to someone talk, actually listen. You will get so much more out of your experiences with people if youre fully engaged, instead of only half-listening while you think about what youre going to say next.

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