Eminence Lip Trio Kit – 3 اجهزه الكمبيوتر


سكو: EMLIPR باب:


Eminence Lip Trio Kit is a three-step lip treatment that exfoliates, plumps and hydrates your lips to leave them looking full, مرن, and renewed. These organic formulas are infused with exfoliating enzymes to promote firmness and elasticity, while gentle fruit enzymes improve the lip area, followed by an extra intense masque that deeply hydrates.Finish with the combination of a delicious minty non-petroleum based balm with Shea butter help to lock in moisture for a kissably soft texture as vitamins A, ester C, and E protect lips from environmental aggressors and stimulate lip-plumping collagen for a superbly nourished pout.Citrus Enzyme Lip Exfoliator the first step to leave the lips smooth and ready for the next level. Active pineapple enzymes and citrus refine the lip area removing the appearance of dryness and the look of fine lip lines. Lip Comfort Plumping Masque is the overnight lip mask that provides deep hydration and locks skin moisture. Infused with rich Avocado Oil and Shea Butter, this whipped cream instantly melts into lips and lip contour areas to deliver incredible softness while natural Peptides stimulate collagen production and fullness.Citrus Lip Balm is a natural petroleum-free lip balm with the added benefits of lemon, النعناع, and ultra-hydrating shea butter to erase all signs of roughness while the natural peptides give lips maximum hydration and a sexy sheen. Erase the look of winter dryness and give your lips with some love from Eminence Lip Trio Kit that Exfoliates, Plumps, and Protects with fresh citrus and nourishing shea butter.Kit includes:Eminence Citrus Enzyme Lip Exfoliator – 0.27 ozEminence Lip Comfort Plumping Masque – 0.27 ozEminence Citrus Lip Balm – 0.27 أوقيةالفوائد:Boosts hydration.Plumps lips.Softens rough skin.Smooths fine lines.Leaves lips with full, supple and renewed.Directions:Eminence Citrus Enzyme Lip Exfoliator: Apply a thin layer to dry clean lip area and outline. Leave on for five minutes and remove with a damp cloth. Eminence Lip Comfort Plumping Masque: Following Lip Exfoliator, apply a thick layer on lip area and outline. Leave it on for five minutes, and then remove with a damp cloth or leave on as a nightly masque. Eminence Citrus Lip Balm: Apply to lips as needed.Eminence Lip Trio Kit Ingredients:Eminence Citrus Enzyme Lip Exfoliator: قشر البرتقال, Lemon Peel, بيكتين, Walnut Powder, باباين (بابايا), بروميلين (أناناس), حمض الجليكوليك, حمض الستريك, Lemon Oil, Peppermint Oil, Lemon Balm Extract, Vegetable Glycerine, سوربيتول, صمغ السليلوز, بنزوات الصوديوم, سوربات البوتاسيوم, حمض الساليسيليك, Riboflavin. Eminence Lip Comfort Plumping Masque: Shea Butter Fruit, زيت الأفوكادو, Lemon Oil, Lemongrass Oil, سوربات البوتاسيوم, بنزوات الصوديوم, مستخلص الشاي الأخضر, فيتامين أي, فيتامين سي, فيتامين E, Sunflower Seed Extract, جل الصبار, Soy Lecithin, Soy Peptides, Lemon Balm Extract, Phytocollagen (مستخلص الخميرة), Hawthorn. Eminence Citrus Lip Balm: زيت بذور عباد الشمس, سوربيتول, زبدة الشيا, شمع العسل, حمض ستيريك, Natural Peptides, Citrus Oil, Lemon Balm, Hawthorn Berry, Lemon Grass Oil, Peppermint Oil, باباين (بابايا) بروميلين (أناناس), الفلفل الحلو, حمض الساليسيليك.

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