Babor Cleansing Phytoactive Sensitive is a treatment phase for cleansing with HY-OL containing herbal essences tailored to sensitive skin types. Due to Agrimonia extract with natural antioxidants, it helps to refresh the skin and lend radiance. Enriched with lime blossom, القفزات, and lemon balm, it eaves the skin looking deep cleansed and gives it a fresh and rosy appearance. Babor Cleansing Phytoactive Sensitive helps to counteract negative environmental factors and tight your skin, even as you cleanse.Babor Cleansing Phytoactive Sensitive Benefits:An ideal skincare phase for dry skin. Designed for use with Babor cleanser. Contains Agrimonia eupatoria, a detoxifying extract. Helps invigorate and refresh the skin. Helps to calm and relax. Ideal for sensitive skin types.Babor Cleansing Phytoactive Sensitive Directions:طبق 4 pumps of skin (do not moisten skin beforehand), then apply 2 pumps of Phytoactive on top. Moisten your fingers and massage into the skin until a milky emulsion forms. Rinse off thoroughly with plenty of cool water.Babor Cleansing Phytoactive Sensitive Ingredients:اكوا, بروبيلين غليكول, الكحول دينات., pyrus malus fruit water, ربط-40 زيت الخروع المهدرجة, فينوكسي إيثانول, هيدروكسي إيثيل سلولوز, الجلوكوز, tilia cordata extract, سوربات البوتاسيوم, حمض اللاكتيك, إيثيلهيكسيلجلسرين, كحول, humulus lupulus extract, melissa officinalis extract, الكحول فينيثيل, بنزوات الصوديوم, عطر, agrimonia eupatoria extract, هيدروكسيد الصوديوم, كراميل, حمض الستريك