Face Reality Antioxidant Scrub – 6 اوقيه (CL-27) (03031)


سكو: FR-CL-27 الفئه:


Face Reality Antioxidant Scrub is made for those with sensitive skin; it does not contain surfactants or fragrances that are associated with increased irritation. بدلا, theres herbal ingredients like honey extract combined with antioxidants to provide soothing hydration while removing debris build-up on your face for an overall healthy look.Benefits:Gentle enough for normal, dry and/or mature skinContains natural cellulose beads that help exfoliate dead skin cells allowing treatment products and active ingredients to work more efficiently.A great scrub cleanser for anyone, whether or not they have skin prone to acne.Directions:ضعي كمية صغيرة على بشرة رطبة ودلكيه في رغوة خفيفة. لا تفرك بقوة. اشطفيه بالماء الفاتر واتركيه حتى يجف.

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