Dermalogica Retinol Clearing Oil – 1 اوقيه (111395)


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Dermalogica Active Clearing Retinol Clearing Oil is a high-performance overnight oil that combats breakouts and encourages a brighter complexion by using the power of Retinol and Salicylic Acid. This active skin-soothing formula helps accelerate skin renewal and minimizes visible signs of aging.A blend of lightweight, skin-friendly oils of Argan, Rosehip Seed, and Jojoba actively nourish skin while protecting the lipid barrier. Packed with time-released retinol paired with a booster for better efficacy and more stability. Reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles, strengthens skin elasticity, balances uneven skin tone. Plus, Salicylic Acid treats and prevents acne and blackheads.Stop the time and acne at the same time with Dermalogica Active Clearing Retinol Clearing Oil!فوائد:Ideal for acne-prone skin.Delivers solutions for Acne, Acne Scars, الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد, البقع الداكنة, Whiteheads.Targets breakouts and visible signs of aging skin.Renews and soothes skin overnight.Creates clearer, glowing skin by morning.Strengthens skin elasticity.Nourishes skin and protects the lipid barrier.Directions:For Night-time routine. بعد التطهير, طبق 6-10 drops into hands. Smooth over face and neck.Dermalogica Active Clearing Retinol Clearing Oil Ingredients:Coconut Alkanes, PPG-15 Stearyl Ether, روزا كانينا زيت الفاكهة, سيموندسيا شينينسيس (الجوجوبا) زيت البذور, C13-15 Alkane, كوكو كابريلات / كابرات, أرغانيا سبينوسا نواة النفط, حمض الساليسيليك, كابريليتش/كابريك تريغليسريد, ايزوبروبيل لورويل ساركوزينات, Retinyl Propionate, Butyl Avocadate, فينيل إيثيل ريسورسينول, Tanacetum Annuum Flower Oil, Sclareolide, تريولين, سيتيل كحول, Hydroxymethoxyphenyl Decanone, توكوفيرول, BHT, بروبيل غالات.

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