Biodroga Massage Cream Face – 200 مل


سكو: BDMsgCrm باب:


Biodroga Massage Cream Face helps to nourish and protect the skin. It has a rich, smooth texture that is massaged into the skin to balance moisture, تقليل التجاعيد, relieve minor skin irritation and redness, and support skin regeneration. اتجاهات:Use it alone or blend 1-2 drops of Biodroga Aroma Essence Relax, or Biodroga Tropic Aroma Essence, with approximately 5 grams of SPECIAL CARE Massage Cream for an aromatic facial massage with optimum effect.Biodroga Massage Cream Face Main Ingredients:زيت الجوجوبا, زيت جوز الهند, مستخلص عرق السوس, Allantoin and Biosaccharides

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