Glymed Plus Derma Pigment Bleaching Fluid, 1.83 اوقيه


سكو: GMP7 الفئه:


Glymed Plus Derma Pigment Bleaching Fluid is an advanced pigment controlling product that significantly reduces pigmentation. Fortified with natural citric acid that immediately assists in removal of the transient pigmentation, the main cause of uneven skin texture.Glymed Plus Derma Pigment Bleaching Fluid contains 2.0% Hydroquinone to inhibit melanin production due to skin aging, overexposure to the sun and hormonal imbalances.Benefits:Powerful anti-aging bleaching serum.Improves uneven skin tone by slowing down melanin production.Lightenes areas of existing hyperpigmentation.Suitable for all skin types. Pregnant women should not use this product.Directions:طبق 2 ل 4 drops in the morning and evening onto clean skin. Discontinue use of products if no improvement after 3 أشهر. Limit sun exposure by using a sunscreen agent in an SPF of 15 or higher during and after using this product in order to prevent darkening from reoccurring.Glymed Plus Derma Pigment Bleaching Fluid Ingredients: المكونات النشطة: هيدروكينون 2.0% المكونات غير النشطة: ألوي باربادينسيس (الصبار) عصير الأوراق, اكوا (الماء), بوتيلين غليكول, حمض الستريك, دي الصوديوم EDTA, فينوكسيثانول, حمض فيتيك, البوتاسيوم أزيلويل ديجليسينات, ميتابيسلفيت الصوديوم, كبريتيت الصوديوم, Xantham Gum

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