ديرمالوجيكا إيج سمارت ماب-15 مجدد – 0.3 اوقيه – مجانا مع $340 ابتاع


سكو: D05101-C الفئه:


Valued at $85.00 This innovative powder-to-emulsion technology offers the highest concentration of Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP) straight into the skin to help significantly improve skin firmness and clearness. Our highly-effective form of Vitamin C works with a blend of White Tea, Acid Hyaluronic, Glucosamine, فوسفوليبيدات, Algae and Yeast extracts to assist activate collagen production, brighten complexion, and neutralize free radicals to dramatically improve moisture, tone and firmness while preventing signs of aging.

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